Oppose forced vaccinations in California
Oct. 3, 2015 Update: SB 277 Repeal Effort Falls Short
After Gov. Brown rushed to sign away informed consent and parental rights for vaccines by signing SB 277 on June 30, a volunteer effort led by former assemblyman Tim Donnelly was launched to repeal this anti-parent, anti-religious-freedom, anti-medical-freedom bill. Unfortunately, without paid signature gatherers from the get-go, this effort failed to gather enough qualified signatures by the deadline.
Read the 9/30/15 Sacramento Bee article for more.
July 1, 2015 News: Gov. Brown Signs SB 277
Democrat Governor Jerry Brown eliminated parental rights for vaccines on June 30, 2015 by doing a rush signing of SB 277 (signed it the day after the Legislature's final passage). And whether you're pro or con on vaccines, this should bother you for its multipronged attack on parental rights, religious freedom, and medical freedom.
See Brown's pretentious signing message
Escape this tyranny by a) homeschooling, b) encouraging your church school to ignore this law, which has no enforcement "teeth," c) trying hard to find a rare physician who will give your family a written letter of exemption.
It's questionable whether Brown's administrative "religious exemption" from 2012 will survive, and whether government schools will continue to see ADA funds as more important than vaccination compliance.
SB 277 was unnecessary and against parental rights, against religious freedom of families, against the constitutional right of free public education, and not even the way to effectively raise vaccination rates.
If you participated in this fight for parental rights by making phone calls, sending emails, reaching and activating others, or by going to the State Capitol, THANK YOU. Thank you for standing with SaveCalifornia.com and others who were united in this important battle. See our response to SB 277 being signed in Bay City News Service.
If you're connected with a church-based school, please encourage the school leaders to respect God-given parental rights and ignore this bad new California law, SB 277. Share with them our news release below by sharing a link to this page by email and social media: http://bit.ly/1KfUCBQ
Our Official Response to Brown Signing SB 277
SaveCalifornia.com News Release
July 1, 2015
Thomasson: "Civil disobedience is the correct response to SB 277 being signed"
Sacramento, California -- In response to Governor Jerry Brown's rush to judgment in signing SB 277 without adequate review of parents' concerns, SaveCalifornia.com, a leading California pro-family organization which promotes moral virtues for the common good, is calling upon concerned fathers and mothers to exercise peaceful disobedience on the highly personal issue of mandatory vaccines for their children.
"The apostles of Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rosa Parks all refused to obey unjust laws," said SaveCalifornia.com President Randy Thomasson. "It's unjust how SB 277 would force a historically high volume of vaccines into the bodies of vulnerable children despite their parents' objections -- so why comply? If America's civil rights history has taught us anything, it's that natural rights are right, no matter what any politician or judge says."
"Parental rights -- the right to raise and educate your own children -- predates any written law," Thomasson said. "A God-given, natural right must be exercised no matter how unjust the State is. As Hebrew midwives refused to allow baby boys to be killed, so thousands of Californian parents with children who are genetically susceptible to vaccines should protect them by just saying no to SB 277."
"Are public schools really going to kick out children who are unvaccinated or 'under-vaccinated?'" Thomasson asked. "Government K-12 schools haven't been complying with the current law requiring full vaccination, so it's doubtful they'll give up Average Daily Attendance funds for this. And are church-based schools really going to trample on families by eliminating this long-held parental right? With no teeth in SB 277 and little enforcement expected, concerned parents have every reason to reject vaccines if their love for their kids and their conscience so dictates."
"It's astounding that this bill was signed despite an increasing number of pro-vaccine parents who use a slower pace, alternative vaccine schedule, which a growing number of pediatricians support," Thomasson said. "Yet SB 277 denies parents the guaranteed right to exempt their alternate schedule children, even on a "conditional" basis. This means SB 277 would deny these children kindergarten, first grade, and perhaps second grade, until they're 'fully vaccinated.' Yet 'full vaccination' may never occur, because more parents are objecting to having their child injected with the Hepatitis B vaccine, since Hepatitis B is a sexually-transmitted disease and these are innocent little kids."
"One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws," wrote Martin Luther King, Jr. in his 1963 "Letter from a Birmingham Jail." "SB 277 unjustly tramples parental rights, religious freedom, and medical freedom on controversial vaccines," Thomasson said. "If Governor Brown speciously claimed his own right of conscience not to defend Proposition 8 on marriage, certainly, fathers and mothers who believe their children are better off without, or with fewer, vaccines have a conscience right to boldly exercise their love on behalf of their precious boys and girls."
# # #
Background: Parental Rights and the Battle Against SB 277
In addition to working with experts behind the scenes and reaching and activating parents and concerned citizens in this battle through email alerts and social media, SaveCalifornia.com fought for parental rights for vaccines by distributing important floor alerts at the State Capitol. These alerts -- which we believe helped change some votes -- also served as enlightening talking points. Here's a sample of some of what we distributed:
Latest SB 277 floor amendment is entirely inadequate
SB 277 would eliminate California's guarantee of a free public school education for all children
California medical doctor challenges false assumptions of SB 277
We can increase vaccination rates in California without SB 277
The media knew this was a "swing issue" uniting conservatives and liberals. And reporters knew some Democrats voted against and even spoke against SB 277, joining most of the Republican legislators in opposing this invasive bill.
There was a lot of public attention because of vaccine-damaged children and their parents at the State Capitol, fighting SB 277 each step of the way. And both legislators and media had seen Jerry Brown's past sensitivity on behalf of parental rights and religious freedom on vaccines.
For example, in 2012, when Brown signed Pan's first vaccine bill, he created a religious exemption, writing, "I am signing AB 2109 and am directing the Department of Public Health to oversee this policy so parents are not overly burdened in its implementation. Additionally, I will direct the department to allow for a separate religious exemption on the form [see it]. In this way, people whose religious beliefs preclude vaccinations will not be required to seek a health care practitioner's signature."
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